Dog Gates & Crates

If you crate train your dog at all, then you’ll need a crate. And if you plan on keeping your dog out of certain areas of the house, you’ll need a gate of some sort. 

So if either of these are true for you, you’ve come to the right place!

When Milo was a puppy I used to section off areas of the house one at a time to make sure that he wasn’t getting himself into any trouble! And crate training was essential in potty training when I first brought him home! Below I’ve outlined some essentials in this department so you can start your pup off on the right foot!

Walk Through Dog Gate

This dog gate has a walk through door which means no hopping over it to get to another room! 

It mounts to the doorway with no tools using a pressure-mounting system and even comes with a 4 inch extension kit for larger doorways! And it has another small door to let small pets through while keeping out the larger dogs!

Folding Dog Crate

sturdy dog crate is essential in potty training your pup, as well as long-term crate training.

This basic dog crate is super sturdy, but folds down flat for when you’re not using it. It comes with a removable tray and a divider panel to give your dog more space as they grow. 

This is the one I used for Milo and it helped keep him out of trouble when I left the house!