Dog Activities - Summer Dog - Summer activities for dogs - Milo Loves Cucumbers

16 Ultimate Summer Activities for Dogs

Summer is right around the corner and it’s the perfect time of year to plan some fun summer activities with your pup! Of course, summer is the perfect time to get outdoors and get some sun – and your dog will definitely want to go with! Check out these pawsome summer activities to make some amazing doggie memories!

Plus, don’t forget to look at the tips to keep your dog safe in the heat! 

Fun Summer Activities for Dogs:

  • Hit the dog beach
  • Grab some brunch
  • Throw a dog-friendly BBQ
  • Catch a baseball game
  • Play in the sprinklers
  • Hit the farmer’s market
  • Go for a hike
  • Take a trip to a vineyard
  • Make some frozen doggie treats
  • Rent a boat
  • Take a road trip
  • Head to a festival
  • Canoeing or kayaking
  • Pack a picnic
  • Try SUP
  • Movies on the lawn
Dog Activities - Summer Dog - Summer activities for dogs - Milo Loves Cucumbers

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1) Hit the dog beach

Summer is the perfect time to hit the beach – and that goes for dogs too!

The perfect while sand in your toes, the salt water waves rolling in, and the sound of seagulls flying overhead!

So while you may not want to let your pup go for a swim in the pool, you can definitely find a doggie back nearby to go for a swim!

Most public beaches have certain areas and hours for dogs, so check the city website – but you can also find specific doggie beaches where your pooch can roam free every day!

Milo loves splashing in the water, and running along the beach, even though he won’t actually swim – no matter how many times I’ve tried to teach him the doggie paddle!

Plus when he gets tired he plops himself down to roll around on the sand, making for some oh-so-cute doggie pics!

So grab your favorite lemonade and head for the palm trees – it will make for the perfect summer day!

2) Grab Some Brunch

As I’m sure you can relate, brunch is my favorite meal of the day!

So why not take the pup along?

Most of my favorite brunch spots have some sort of outdoor seating, perfect to take Milo with us! Just make sure you call ahead to make sure they allow dogs!

Now, I will admit that it did take some training to keep him calm around all that food. But once he got the hang of it, he was the best behaved pooch there!

Plus, so many places now have a doggie menu and bring a bowl with ice water to keep your dog cool. And of course, we always get better service when the server sees a furry friend!

So next time you make brunch plans, do some extra doggie grooming and find your best leash to show off your fur-baby and make some adorable memories!

3) Throw a dog-friendly BBQ

Let’s face it – summer is THE time for BBQs and cookouts so we’re sure to have at least a few BBQs in the near future!

Think about it – the sun is out, the smell of freshly cut grass, cold beers and flip flops!

Why not make some pup-friendly foods and invite guests to bring their dogs along for the party!

Dogs can eat most vegetables and meats, depending on how they’re prepared. Plus we’ve even put together a whole list of dog-safe BBQ foods to get the party started! 

So get the tongs out, and whip up a batch of perfectly grilled patties to serve your guests! Your doggie guests, that is!

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4) Catch a Baseball Game

Baseball games are the perfect outing for a dog! And during summer the games are in full swing!

So check out the local game schedule at your nearby parks, or even the MLB schedule of your local team!

That’s right! many Major League Baseball teams have games that are open the the doggie public – they call them “Dog Days” – super fitting, right?

So check out your local team’s schedule to see when those days fall and get your pup a foam paw to root for the home team!

Down here in Florida we root for the Tampa Bay Rays and they have an entire page on their website dedicated to “Dog Days” including some rules to follow!

Of course, there will be lots of new noises, smells, and people – so make sure your pup is okay in large crowds before buying your tickets!

5) Play in the Sprinklers

The beach isn’t the only way to get some water play in!

Milo loves running through the sprinklers and chasing the water hose whenever I’m in the garden! So why not set up the sprinklers just for them?

A hot summer day is the perfect time to turn on the hose, it will definitely help both your and your pup to cool off!

And if you have little kids around, they can join in the fun, too!

If you don’t have irrigation in your yard, you can buy a cheap portable sprinkler at the hardware store and hook it up the the water hose – it works just the same!

6) Hit the Farmer’s Market

Once the weather warms up, the farmer’s markets start popping up – it seems like there’s one on every corner!

And farmer’s markets are a perfect summer activity for dogs!

Fresh healthy foods – many of which dogs can enjoy – and a stroll among new friends, smells, and sounds – your dog will have a field day!

Plus you get to do some shopping and sampling of fresh fruits, ice pops, and even sometimes jewelry! 

Dog Activities - Summer Dog - Summer activities for dogs - Milo Loves Cucumbers

7) Go for a hike

Hiking is always a great summer activity!

And reconnecting with nature is the perfect time to take your fur-baby along since so many parks offer dog-friendly trails to enjoy!

Milo loves hiking and exploring, especially when he meets new friends along the way.

Plus, all that exercise is great for your dog – both physically and mentally!

All those new smells, sounds, and things to explore will leave your dog’s brain stimulated and their body tired! You know what they say – a tired dog is a good dog!

Milo went hiking with us in the Georgia mountains twice last summer and had a blast! He even got to enjoy the waterfalls and went for a swim in one!

Just don’t forget to pack extra water and your dogs bowls! Plus a doggie emergency kit wouldn’t hurt! And if you’re worried about carrying all that extra stuff, think again – a dog hiking backpack will help your dog carry the load and looks adorable!

8) Take a trip to a vineyard

If sipping on wine is more your style, then a trip to a vineyard sounds just about right! 

Most vineyards have an outdoor section where you can have lunch or taste new wines, so why not take the pup along?

While you try some new rose’ your pup can lounge and enjoy the breeze! Plus a stroll through the grape vines is always relaxing – just don’t let your dog sample any grapes since they’re toxic to dogs, even in small quantities!

Imagine a slow afternoon sipping wine, enjoying the sun, and playing with your pup – what’s not to love?!

9) make some frozen doggie treats

Summer is the perfect time for ice cream, wouldn’t you agree?

Unfortunately dogs shouldn’t be eating your favorite soft-serve flavor, but you can definitely whip up a batch of frozen doggie treats!

Milo may not be directly taking part in this activity, but he sure enjoys the results! 

From frozen peanut butter cubes to bone-shaped watermelon treats, the possibilities are endless!

Even just pureeing and freezing some new fruits will make for an excellent treat that you can share with your fur-baby!

Check out these frozen dog treats for summer that will be sure to leave a smile on your dogs face! And keep him cool in that summer heat!

Dog Activities - Summer Dog - Summer activities for dogs - Milo Loves Cucumbers

10) Rent a Boat

Summer is a great time for boat rentals! We rent a pontoon boat every summer to enjoy a day out on the lake and usually take Milo with us!

Dogs love sticking their head out the window on car rides – and a boat ride is like a giant window where your dog can enjoy the breeze!

The first time Milo got on a boat he was a little nervous when he felt the floor start to move, but after a bit he got used to it and loves running to jump on board!

Just be sure to call ahead since not all boat rental places allow dogs – and if he do allow dogs, be sure to ask what the pet cleaning fee is – just so there’s no surprises!

11) Take a Road trip

So technically you can take a road trip in any season. But summer road trips are my favorite – that salty summer air, the radio blasting, and no road closures due to snow!

And there are so many options to choose from!

A west coast road trip down the California coast is always a great time seeing all the sites! Or a New England road trip filled with clam bakes, lobster roles, and summer festivals!

I’m getting giddy just thinking about it!

Plus, most dogs love car rides. And Milo is no exception! The wind in his mouth, tongue flopping around, and new sights to see! He’s like a kid in a candy store!

We try to take at least one road trip per summer and Milo is always excited when we pack the bags! He heads straight for the door and jumps in the car, nose pressed up against the window!

So pick a spot on the map and don’t forget your doggie travel gear for the perfect summer activity!

12) Head to a festival

Summer is the time for festivals!

The blueberry festival, the strawberry festival, the BBQ festival, the butter festival – need I go on?

With the temps rising, everyone and their mother wants to get out of the house – and what better way to do that than by heading to your local festival – whatever type of festival is is!

Festivals are usually outdoors, involve lots of food, entertainment, and walking around – the perfect summer afternoon activity!

13) Canoeing or Kayaking

If you can’t find any dog-friendly boat rentals around, you can always take your pup for a canoe or kayak ride!

Plus you’ll get some exercise in!

Your dog will love feeling like he’s floating on the water, and you’ll get the cutest shots for your Instagram!

This one requires less balance that taking your dog for a stand up paddle board ride, but if your dog tries to escape you might both end up in the water!

So teach your pup tp stay calm and collected, but at the end of the day tipping over the kayak is half the fun!

14) Pack a picnic

Summer picnics are one of my favorite things to do – especially on breezy summer days!

Choose some dog-friendly foods and pack your basket for a picnic in the park, complete with a game of frisbee or tossing the ball around!

And don’t forget these essential picnic items to make your trip perfect – a large blanket, picnic basket filled with doggie friendly snacks, a ball or frisbee to play some games, mini portable speaker for some summer-themed music, and of course, the insect repellant to keep the bugs away!

Plus, lots of parks have a smaller dog park in them to let your dog run around off-leash and make some new doggie friends!

15) try SUP

Stand up paddle, or SUP, is always a great summer activity – but it does require some balance!

I love stand up paddle and try to get out on the board at least a few times when the weather warms up. So why not take your fur-baby along for the ride?

This one might be worth practicing at home first, though!

Start on the grass and reward your dog for just standing on the board. Then bring in the paddle and again, give him treats for not getting spooked by it!

Next, go through the motions and pretend that you’re out on the water – that way your pup will know exactly what to expect once you actually get there!

Of course, you will also need to learn how to balance with all that extra weight on your board, so make sure you have a good grasp on that first! 

16) movies on the lawn

In the summer, many places will have what they call movies on the lawn – or some variation of that!

Basically you take your blanket, popcorn, and lawn chairs and go enjoy a free screening of a popular film with everyone else who showed up.

A lot like the movie theater – but often free and you can bring your pup!

To find these events check local newspapers, city listings, or even just Google! I’ve had good success by Googling “movies on the lawn + Tampa.” 

And of course, don’t forget the doggie snacks!

Is it OK to give dogs ice cubes in hot weather?

Yes! It’s completely safe to give your dog ice cubes in got weather! In fact, it can help them to cool down and stay cool in the heat!

Milo loves getting ice cubes in his water, or even just licking them on the floor! He even knows the sound the ice maker makes when I’m getting ice and comes running so I can share with him!

You can take it a step further by freezing fruits in the water for a special treat or even freezing ice cubes in dog bone ice cube trays! 

Your pup may not notice these specially shaped cubes, but how cute would it be for them to be chowing down on mini bones made of ice?!

Tips to keep your dog safe in the heat

Summer is always a fun time for you and your dog to get out and make some memories – but always remember to keep your dog cool so he doesn’t overheat!

Here are some tips to help you keep your baby cool!

  • Always have more water than you think you’ll need for your pup
  • Watch for signs of fatigue and give your dog a break on long walks and activities
  • Be cautious of how hot the pavement is – you may have shoes on but your dog probably doesn’t – that hot asphalt can burn his paws!
  • Avoid going out when the sun is hottest at noon – stick to morning and afternoon activities if possible!
  • Never leave your dog in a parked car! Cars heat up very quickly and can give your dog heatstroke by the time you get back!

This summer is sure to be pawsome – especially now that you have a ton of great ideas to do with your dog!

Just be sure to keep your dog safe in the heat and know the signs of heatstroke in dogs – your dog will thank you and you’ll have a great time making memories!

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